
About Me

I could share that my name is Ellen Oppenheim.  Discuss my love for volleyball, and briefly show my democratic political views. I could virtually tell the whole world that I enjoy writing own a mutated cat named Stubby. But none of this would really give you insight on my true core values. The only thing that can seemingly shed some light on all my "complex" and "deep" ideas that are floating around in my brain, is Converse. If there is one thing that I would have to confess as an addiction, it would be these wonderful, canvas sneakers. I own twelve  pairs, each one with a different story and purpose.  My dress up Converse. My super hero Converse.  My dads wedding Converse. All had a different part of my personality and life.  I firmly believe, call the mental institution now if you like, that everyone 's personality and style can be shown by which Converse they adorn. Hence... The Converse Conversation.

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